Updated IHC Alternative Service View
3 Janurary, 2017
The IHC Alternative Service View application has been updated. If you have already installed it, you should get the update automatically when you start the application. If you do not already have it:
Donwload the installation here
If you don’t like the click once installer or can’t get it working, you can download the files without installation - see mono section below. It can also run on Windows, Just unzip and run IhcAlternative.exe
If you are doing any interfacing with IHC you know it is annoying to have to look though the IHC project file to find resourced ids. This application makes it easier because you just select the resource in the project tree and you can see the id in the section the to lower right.
The installation and application are only signed by a self signed certificate so you will have to accept the warnings you get in windows. (If anyone know of a cheap/free code sign certificate or want to give me one, let me know)
The application now use another version of my IHC sdk using web references (the previous version uses Service references) to do the soap stuff. (Soap if the protocol used to talk to the IHC controller). I am going to release the IHC sdk soon, so you do not have to ask, you will get more details/explanation when that happens.
Misc crash bugs have been fixed.
Boolean, Integer and floating point resources are now all supported and can be monitored and changed.
Mono on Linux
It is now possible to run IHC Alternative service on Linux using mono. You can download the files here:
IHC alternative Service files 1.0.21
Unzip the files and run: mono IhcAlternative.exe
I have verified this on a Ubuntu running mono 4.2.1 (This an old version of mono but the version you get without having to compile it your self)
It may also work on a mac with mono, but I do not have the setup to verify that, so if anyone tries it please write the result in the comments below.
The comments below has been imported from the old website. Currently comments are readonly, meaning you can not
make new comments.
You will be able to do that when it is ready. For now if you want to get in touch, you can send me an email.
If you have problems with something that has a github repository, please make a github issue.
Hi Jens.
Just tried your alternative service view on windows 10. Cant get it to connect. Did you try this with an IHC controller using firmware 2.8.4?I have firmware 2.7.220 - the latest for Hardware version 6.1. and Windows 10. (I have also tried on Linux with mono - also working fine)
Firmware 2.8.4 is the latest for Hardware 6.2
Do you get any error? Do you use https:// - then try http://
If anybody else has it working with hardware 6.2 - please reply.2.8.4 do work on HW 6.1, even though LK says it doesn´t :-)
I tried both with and without https://
I dont get any errors. The small window appear with authenfication, and then dissapear after 1-2 second.
A short notice. I do NOT use the default ssl port. I have changed it to 777 insted. So my controller is located at:
Also tried without :777. This will make the authentification window show for a split second and then dissapear.
It looks like it tries to connect using the https://IP:777, but cant.Did you use the installer or did you download the files? I just realized that I have forgot to update the link to the files - only the installer was the latest. The latest version is currently 1.0.21 If you tried an older version try 1.0.21
I have not tried using other ports then the defaults.The version I´d download an have problems with is I can download the firmware you are talking about (2.8.4)?
Im getting only old versions (2.7.220) via https://www.schneider-electric.de/de/download/search/ihc/?
Maybe you can inform me where I can get the newest firmwares and software for my home :-)
Thanks in Advance!I donwload IHC firmware from the danisk LK web site:
(You need a login to get to the page - but anybody can register. The pages are in danish)
The newest firmware for HW 6.1 is 2.7.220. I have not tried 2.8.4 on HW 6.1 (I did try an earlier version intended for HW 6.2 on HW 6.1 - and that did not work)I got this working on MacOS High Sierra 10.13.4 with Mono using the command 'mono --arch=32 IhcAlternative.exe' :)Thanks for sharing - nice to know for others using Mac OSHej Jeg kan ikke installer programmet på win 10
Følgende fejl blev fundet under handlingen.
* [17-09-2018 17:34:59] System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException (HashValidation)
- Filen IhcAlternative.exe.config indeholder en anden beregnet hash-værdi end angivet i manifestet.
- Kilde: System.DeploymentUpdater din Windows og .NET med nyeste opdateringer fra Microsoft (gennem windows update).
I stedet for at bruge installationen så prøv at hente filerne (link på siden), udpak og kør manuelt.Følgende fejl når jeg forsøge at installer på min win10.
Andre der oplever samme fejl? Forslag til læsninger?
Windows : 10.0.17134.0 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 4.0.30319.42000
System.Deployment.dll : 4.7.3056.0 built by: NET472REL1
clr.dll : 4.7.3190.0 built by: NET472REL1LAST_C
dfdll.dll : 4.7.3056.0 built by: NET472REL1
dfshim.dll : 10.0.17134.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Implementerings-URL : http://dingus.dk/download/ihcalternative/IhcAlternative.application
Server : cloudflare
Implementeringsprovider-URL : http://dingus.dk/download/ihcalternative/IhcAlternative.application
Server : cloudflare
Program-URL : https://dingus.dk/download/ihcalternative/Application%20Files/IhcAlternative_1_0_0_21/IhcAlternative.exe.manifest
Server : cloudflare
Implementerings-id : IhcAlternative.application, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2194063bba51e2f7, processorArchitecture=msil
Program-id : IhcAlternative.exe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2194063bba51e2f7, processorArchitecture=msil, type=win32
* Program, der kan installeres.
Nedenfor vises en oversigt over fejlene. Detaljerede oplysninger om fejlene vises senere i logfilen.
* Aktiveringen af http://dingus.dk/download/ihcalternative/IhcAlternative.application medførte en undtagelse. Følgende fejlmeddelelser blev fundet:
+ Filen IhcAlternative.exe.config indeholder en anden beregnet hash-værdi end angivet i manifestet.
Der blev ikke fundet nogen transaktionsfejl.
Der blev ikke givet nogen advarsler under handlingen.
* [27-10-2018 11:00:08] : Aktiveringen af http://dingus.dk/download/ihcalternative/IhcAlternative.application er startet.
* [27-10-2018 11:00:09] : Behandlingen af implementeringsmanifestet er fuldført.
* [27-10-2018 11:00:09] : Installationen af programmet er startet.
* [27-10-2018 11:00:09] : Behandlingen af programmanifestet er fuldført.
* [27-10-2018 11:00:11] : Den kompatible runtimeversion 4.0.30319 blev fundet.
* [27-10-2018 11:00:11] : Anmodningen om tillid og registrering af platformen er fuldført.
Følgende fejl blev fundet under handlingen.
* [27-10-2018 11:00:12] System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException (HashValidation)
- Filen IhcAlternative.exe.config indeholder en anden beregnet hash-værdi end angivet i manifestet.
- Kilde: System.Deployment
- Staksporing:
ved System.Deployment.Application.ComponentVerifier.VerifyFileHash(String filePath, Hash hash)
ved System.Deployment.Application.ComponentVerifier.VerifyFileHash(String filePath, HashCollection hashCollection)
ved System.Deployment.Application.ComponentVerifier.VerifyComponents()
ved System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDependencies(SubscriptionState subState, AssemblyManifest deployManifest, AssemblyManifest appManifest, Uri sourceUriBase, String targetDirectory, String group, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options)
ved System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.DownloadApplication(SubscriptionState subState, ActivationDescription actDesc, Int64 transactionId, TempDirectory& downloadTemp)
ved System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.InstallApplication(SubscriptionState& subState, ActivationDescription actDesc)
ved System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl, Uri& deploymentUri)
ved System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivationWithRetry(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl)
--- Afslutningen på staksporingen fra den tidligere placering, hvor undtagelsen blev udløst ---
ved System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
ved System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivationWithRetry(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl)
ved System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)
Der er ingen tilgængelige transaktionsoplysninger.Jeg gætter på at enten er der gået noget galt ved download så nogle filer er ødelagt - eller der er nogen at .NET filerne på din computer som er ødelagt eller ikke opdaterede. Du kan prøve at updatere med nyeste service pack til .NET fra Microsoft inden du prøver at installere igen. (Du kan gøre det via Microsoft update). Alternativt kan du hente filerne og køre den uden installation se under “Mono” sektion.Hej Jens, jeg får præcis samme logfil når jeg prøver at installere på en Win7 maskine.
Hvis jeg henter filerne og pakker dem ud manuelt kan jeg starte programmet, men i login-processen kommer denne besked https://imgur.com/VT8gfMP
Så sidder en smule fast :(
Mvh Christian KlitDet er ihc projektet som ikke kan hentes fra ihc controlleren. Jeg skal have lavet en bedre fejl besked når det sker. Endnu bedre hvis jeg viste hvordan problemet løses så projektet kan hentes. Prøv at genstarte ihc controlleren.Tak for svar! Det giver mening, for det var faktisk samme besked Home Assistant gav mig i loggen - så derfor ville jeg prøve at indtaste hans wireless dimmers ID manuelt, da jeg måske troede det bare var en lille fejl i Home Assistant komponenten. Har ikke brugt auto-discovery siden du frigav komponenten, så vidste ikke om nogle af de nye opdateringer kunne have en negativ effekt.
Vi har desværre prøvet at genstarte hans controller (min kollega), uden held. Men det er nok dér vi skal lede efter fejlen :)Hej!
Tack för att du finns! Jag har länge letat efter någon som kan koppla upp sig till IHC utanför deras konstiga program så att hemmet blir "smart" på riktigt!
Jag har ett IHC system i Sverige, installerat 2006 då jag byggde huset. FW version 2.3.59 och visual control 2.7. Kör senaste Hass.io på en RPI 2B samt använder smartthings till det mesta hemma (utom IHC och Verisure). Nu har jag installerat allting på hass.io men kan inte få IHC komponenten i HA att prata med viewer/controllern. Har du ett exempel på en config.yaml som fungerar (med port 443)?
tacksam för all hjälp!
med vänlig hälsning
JockeDu kan ikke forbinde med https (og port 443) - kun med http og port 80. Kig på siden:
[Home Assistant IHC component](https://www.home-assistant.io/components/ihc/)
Her er et eksempel, som forbinder med opsætning af de componenter som kan findes automatisk.Tack!
Jag har precis som du haft jätteproblem med att koppla upp mig sedan Java 8, prövade nu att ladda ned Zulu på en annan maskin, för första gången gick det jättebra att bara surfa direkt in på controllern, man kunde bara klicka bort "säkerhetsvarningar" och inte spärras som i Oracle versionen.
Jag prövar, märker att ditt nya exempel innesluter IP adressen med ' ' men jag får fortfarande följande fel i loggen.
2018-12-13 00:01:38 ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [homeassistant.components.ihc] Unable to authenticate on IHC controller
2018-12-13 00:01:40 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for ihc: Component failed to initialize.
jag har prövat att skapa en helt ny användare i administratörsappen på IHC controllern och använda admin men ingen fungerar.
tacksam för alla tips!Hej Jens,
det löste sig - jag hade gammal FW I IHC controllern. Jag flashade om den till 2.7.2 så började den fungera!
Nu fungerar IHC direkt från Hassio!
tack för din hjälp!
mvh JockeWhen installing, I have an error:
Application validation did not succeed. Unable to continueDownload the zip file, unzip and run without installation.Thank you very much, that works!
Another question I have. Is it possible to print all IDs in a list?
I have a big installation and I need such a list to be saved somewhere, without going all resources one by one.